Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day 10 - Chastleton House

Doing some catch up here as we have not had good enough wifi to be able to get on
the computer.

This day was one of Danny's absolutely favorite days!
Thus the many pictures.
Chastleton House was only a 5 minute walk from the cottage,
but somehow we managed to not make it there
until our last day.

It is an old English Manor that was found in disrepair and had never been
fixed up due to a lack of money, so it was "frozen in time" so to speak.
It was beautiful.
It was kinda sad...

A British gentleman in his estate haha

Never met a tree I didn't like...
Something about trees is just magical to me.
They have so much life.
They seem to carry so many secrets of days gone by.

People are born and die and then return to dust,
while the mighty tree lives on.

And I am quite certain one of them was Treebeard. haha

We knew before we went to visit this house that "Wolf Hall" had some scenes
that were filmed in this room, and in the outside courtyard.
That was pretty cool.

Some of the wood being eaten away

This picture kind of says it all about the house.
Showing signs of age,
but beautiful.

This was a door that led out of the dungeons we explored.
Kind of glad it was labeled.

This church has been in existence since 900 AD.
Cannot even FATHOM how anything can be around
since 900 years after the death of Jesus.

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