Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Indy does it again...and again.

Easter candy and Indy just don't mix. I had purchased some Easter candy yesterday, put it in a shopping bag, and put it in my closet.  Indy NEVER goes in my closet. Earlier today we couldn't find him and we frantically looked everywhere. We called for him in every room of the house. We went outside and called for him. Finally he came running down the steps looking guilty. I remembered the chocolate in my room and my heart dropped. I ran up and discovered he had eaten 24 miniature Reese's peanut butter cups!!!!! I called the vet and they assured me he would be okay. Watch out for vomiting and diarrhea. Whew.  He had survived YEAR 2 of getting into Easter chocolate.

But wait!! Later this evening I went up to my room to get something and went around the corner to catch him at it again!!! Yes I should have put the rest of the bag up high but at the time it all happened I was too frantic looking for peroxide to make him vomit and calling the vet. So...he got into it again and ate at least five more pieces. 

We better pray that Indy survives Easter this year after we spent last Easter at an emergency pet clinic. I think I am just going to consider returning all the chocolate I bought.

Happy Easter week everyone!!! No chocolate bunnies shall visit this house.

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