Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Grandma's 82nd birthday

Happy Birthday Mom!
I know this day is not how you wanted it to be, 
because how could you ever want this day without dad?
How can you celebrate a special day without him, and
in the middle of a pandemic?

I totally get that.
And yet - you are worthy of celebrating!
If dad could speak to you,
he would tell you that you are cute and special, 
and that you should try to enjoy the little blessings
that come your way today.
He would rub the top of your head,
and lean over and kiss you on the cheek.
He adored you, and he chose you.
Just like God chose you to be his wife, 
and our mother.

You have had a long and beautiful life - one where you
have been a blessing to other people along the way 
with your joy, humor, and constant generosity.
You have four children and 18 grandchildren.
You were the best helpmate to dad all the 57 years of marriage.
Chopping wood, growing and freezing food, working hard,
mothering us all.

So yes - you are worth celebrating!
God isn't finished with you yet.
He has a beautiful plan unfolding in the midst of the heartache.
Lean on Him.
He is strong enough to carry you through the rest of your days.

Happy birthday Mom!
Wish I was there to make this day special.

Though mom spent the day alone, she got flowers from 
all of her children
in addition to phone calls from family,
and cards from friends.

Love you Mom! 

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