Sunday, August 10, 2014


Today was a full day.  I knew it was our last Sunday here for a while, so we tried to make it "count," plus we just had so much to accomplish.  We started the day by going to church, then lunch, and then Mike's family came to pick him up.

After that Danny and I ran some errands and saw this sign coming out of the mall.  It was a strange encouragement for me as I prepare to say goodbye to my Jacob.

Today was also a milestone.  Jacob took the car out and drove his siblings out to get ice cream!  It was surreal to see him drive off without me and take the other kids with him!  I ran in the house and prayed. No, not really.  I trusted him - he's an awesome driver. :):)

After dining on reuben sandwiches and grapes, we went down to watch a classic movie that the kids had never seen.

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