Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year's Day

A new year can bring new concerns and worries. I love this quote by Hudson Taylor:

"If God should place me in serious perplexity, must He not give me much guidance; in positions of difficulty, much grace; in circumstances of great pressure and trial, much strength? No fear that His resources will prove unequal to the emergency! His resources are mine, for He is mine, and is with me and dwells in me."

Today we went to Gettysburg and began our New Year with a visit to the past.  I love the reminders that history teaches us - it helps us to remember what is really important in the future - especially driving through the cemetery and remembering where we are all destined to end up, and that we must make this life count, and live to minimize our regrets when we stand before the Throne of God on that day.  That day is unavoidable.  We all face an eternity, either with or without Jesus.  Without Jesus, our eternal destinies are too scary and horrific to contemplate.

The history lover of the family gazing across the battlefield

The coffee lover of the family with her beautiful hair blowing in the wind

Jacob and Hannah returning from the battlefield

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