Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dinner for two

Tonight we set up Danny's study like a restaurant with a table for two in order to bless and serve this wonderful couple a delicious meal and provide them with a date-like evening.  Their daughter is very ill and they rarely get out together, so they brought her with them and she sat with us and rested on the couch while they were able to enjoy a candle-lit four course meal in front of a fireplace in a private room with music playing quietly.  I have to admit it was very romantic.  Can't think of a more deserving couple than these two who have been through so much.

We served them shrimp cocktail 

ceasar salad in an edible cheese bowl

and then filet mignon, crab cake, asparagus and mashed potatoes

with cheese cake for dessert.

Thank you Hannah, for arranging the flowers, making the garnishes, setting the elegant table, and then single-handedly serving the Sawyers the entire meal and waiting on them hand and foot.  You are a beautiful example of Christ's love.

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