Wednesday, October 30, 2013


This year the kids and I decided to carve pumpkins - what fun it was!  I have to say that each of their pumpkins represent their interests well.

Ryan on left (batman)  and mom on right (just an owl...)

Jacob on left (pumpkin "pie") and Hannah on right (Star wars imperial symbol)

We did this on Saturday night for our family night, and then we went down to the basement to watch home movies that we had never seen before.  WHAT A BLAST!  We laughed so hard, and some of us then cried... (ok, just me).  I felt so sentimental about the days when my kids were little, and then felt so much regret as I watched myself blunder through parenting and re-live all over again the things that we did wrong as parents.  I know this isn't the purpose of home movies, but that is kinda how I live it out these days - looking back with much joy and some regret, in addition to just missing my sweet little babies.  

As someone said recently "the most precious things in life are so fleeting, and they never return."

1 comment:

  1. *ahem I believe -imperial- would be capitalized ;)
