Earlier this month, we went up to Annapolis to spend some time with Jacob's friend Jordan, who is a plebe at the Naval Academy this year. We wanted to take him out to give him a break, and for Jacob to be able to catch up with him.
Talk about a happy guy! This guy is ALWAYS cheerful, looks on the bright side, and has delightful stories to tell. Every other sentence he is glorifying God for giving him these "opportunities". We took him to lunch, and we all laughed so hard as he told us all the stories about academy life!
After lunch we took him out running errands. Actually, he was trying to get a bunch of stuff for jokes to pull on other midshipman in honor of the big Navy vs. Airforce game.
We ended up staying through dinner and the boys went to a movie as well. It was a long and happy day. You can't be around Jordan and not be affected by his pure joy.