Saturday, June 23, 2012

Creation Museum

Last weekend we had an amazing trip to visit the Creation Museum in Kentucky.  It was worth every minute of the drive - what a FANTASTIC representation of creation, the amazing work of God, and how science proves the Bible.  There is an emphasis on Creation vs. Evolution - what a great way to solidify this truth - the word of God is used as the starting point and final authority.  It was refreshing beyond words to be in a public place and have God be glorified!!  How incredible to be in a museum and not have to explain to the kids over and over how what is taught in schools today about evolution is all wrong and that God is the author and creator of all!!

This is the front of the museum, which is set amongst lush gardens with fountains and beautiful bridges.

A replica of "Lucy", the supposed "proof" that man evolved from apes...  the "missing link"...

There were incredible life-sized displays from accounts of the Bible. 

Somehow, this door was the thing that most struck me while we were there.  (If you can't read it, it says "The world's not safe anymore")  It just exemplifies exactly how I feel as a mother - I want to bolt my kids inside and shield them from all the wrong and harmful influences in the world that try to tell them that there is no God, that we all happened by chance, that pursuing the pleasures of the world is okay.  It is our temptation as parents to do just that - lock them in.    Instead, we are trying to prepare them to defend their faith, for the assault on it will come as surely as the sun will rise and set each day.

Here is Jacob and Indy at the hotel - we took Indy with us on this trip - he did a great job and was a perfect pooch!  It was fun to bring him!

Below is an example of the types of things you can read at the museum...

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