My beautiful Hannah - I am so grateful to the Lord for what He has done in healing her over the last months! She is feeling so much better!
For the past couple of years, my poor girl has been so fatigued and in pain that she could barely do anything. Getting out of bed some days was a major accomplishment. Walking around a little made her exhausted, and it was a big ordeal when she was downstairs with us more than she was in bed. Doing school was out of the question. Exercise was impossible. Being upbeat and making us all laugh only happened on good days.
All that has changed.
She still has some days that are better than others, and can still struggle with fatigue. But yesterday my "salsa girl" was back in full force! It was amazing! She got up early, did a ton of schoolwork, ran errands with me, took Indy to get groomed, came home and went running with Jacob, then proceeded to take a shower, straighten her hair (which she hasn't had strength to do in months), then do a ton more schoolwork, and then ask - "can we do something?"
Yes! She is coming back!!!!