Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day

This year was another one of our traditional Valentines Days where someone cooks someone a beautiful meal, and the boys bless the girls, and the girl bless the boys. Sweet indeed.
Danny and I both cooked this year as we were both exhausted from serving at the PC Sweetheart Banquet two days earlier. Here is a sampling of our day in pictures.

These are the little treats that were given to Danny by Hannah and myself.

Hannah's diet is restricted at this time as she is going through allergy treatments, but she happily could still have every girl's favorite - chocolate!

This was Hannah's gift to Jacob (obviously the fuzzy poster of a fairy was a joke!)

And for Ryan as well - the colorful color-a-kitty was a joke, although Ryan didn't know it at first and responded very graciously. He said "cool!" and then after second thought said "There is something else in this bag isn't there?" haha

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