Last week, during the very beginning of summer break, Jacob had what was probably one of the best weeks of his life, and definitely the highlight of his summer. He spent six days at the Naval Academy living as a midshipman. He lived in their dorms, ate their food, went to classes, and participated in the greatest physical challenge of his life (so far!)
Just getting in is something to be proud of - it is a highly selective process and only the top high school juniors get invited to come. We were so proud of him for getting in! But at the same time we were scared for what he would face during the week.
Saturday morning we all went together to go and drop him off. We went to lunch first at Middleton Tavern (wondering just how much food he would really get) and then we headed over to the Academy.
Here is our young sailor about to go in and be "processed".
We hung out a little longer than we probably should have to watch him get in line and sign in. (I know, it was just for six days, but still...) We walked into the building and just inside the door we were told to say goodbye to our son as they took his bags and escorted him to his next step. That was hard - I can't imagine what we will do if he gets in and goes for the whole four years!
This is a picture of Jacob's squadron along with the squad leader. Amazing how close these people got in such a short time as a result of going through so much together.
And these are Jacob's roommates for the week. (also known by Jacob as Huggins and Librizzi! haha)
One of the challenges Jacob faced right away on the second day was the Candidate Fitness Assessment test. Jacob had been training for this test all year and then more intensely for the two months leading up to this day. He far exceeded his expectations and did amazing! Of course this picture is not him, but I wanted a "sample" picture of the incredible challenge he faced.
And here are his awesome scores!! (by the way, all this has to be done within a 45 minute time frame)
One of the more humorous pictures Jacob shared with me is this one. Apparently there are "urine charts" in the bathrooms so that you can check your level of dehydration! haha
And this is Jacob's room!
What a beautiful view out the window.
Goofy squad moment.
I have to point out Jacob's expression - apparently he was accused of having a "devil stare"...
hmmmm... I wonder why....

And this is a person who made an indelible impression on Jacob - his squad leader. His name is Connor Westrick and according to Jacob, he was one of the kindest people he has ever met. I can tell that he really admired him. He was, apparently, a true servant and helped his group tremendously. He made it clear that he was on their side - sneaking them food, washing their clothes for them, just really being there for them. If I could meet him I would give him the world's biggest hug!
The dorm hallway
These are Jacob's belongings all packed up on the last day. Notice the two garbage bags full of clothes? On the very last day, they participated in a "mock sea trial" which was seven hours of grueling physical challenges including obstacle courses, running, crawling through sandy, salty water, rope-climbing, carrying a boat and then rowing it, and more. During this long day, they were only allowed to eat an MRE for lunch (military ration) and drink water. At the end of all this they had to sprint the mile plus back to campus, and then prepare for another challenge. They were not allowed to shower for 24 hours, they were hungry, tired and sunburned, and then they had to face "indoc night" which is basically getting yelled at for 30 minutes, during which time you had to drop and do push-ups if you or someone next to you didn't answer a question right. Jacob said that this day was by far the most challenging thing he has ever been through.
Finally Thursday arrived and we attended closing ceremonies at Alumni Hall.
It was quite impressive seeing the team spirit that developed in such a short time, and all the military terms and protocol the kids learned. Jacob's company even won for the most color! (From what I gather, I think this means that they had lots of spirit, motivation and team camaraderie!!)
Afterwards Jacob took us on a little tour of the Navy Chapel. Absolutely stunning!
We finally had our boy home, and I took a picture of all the stuff he had been given during the week.
We were never so happy to see him in all our life! (especially Hannah who had missed him terribly)
This is a video of one of the "drills" that the kids had to do while there. They had to line up and count off (150 of them I think) and if they got it wrong, they had to start all over again. Jacob happened to film it the one time they got it right the first time! Note number 71 (which is Jacob) and number 93 (someone who just has a crazy yell). I never knew Jacob had it in him...
A video of the candidates singing the Navy Anthem
And this video is a sample of the spirit that won the company the award!!
Thank you for this post! Great insight for me. I just received news that I got accepted to the first session this summer and while I am thrilled, I am very nervous as well!